The past year has been one for the record books, don’t you agree? For many independent retailers along our mainstreets, it’s been a year of trial and error and challenges and opportunities as we pivot our businesses to make a go of it online. For me, it hasn’t been without tears and swear words, sleepless nights and indecision as I decide what I should do next.
Even before this pandemic, the biggest question was always…do people really buy cards online?? The answer is YES! While online sales are not as brisk as when we are open for in-real-life shoppers, you are finding us, filling your carts and choosing curbside pick ups or choosing to have your orders shipped.
We have filled an online shop brimming with all kinds of choice – Made in Canada brands such as Flaunt, Rhubarb Paper and JooJoo Paper and favourite UK lines like James Ellis and Rosie Made a Thing.
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