On the advice of a customer, I ordered Blush by Matter Company Sugar Scrub and Body Butter. My skin has been SO itchy this winter. Scratch, scratch, scratch, itch, itch, itch. It has been driving me NUTS.
We’ve stocked Matter for years. But I kept with the usual inventory including Hand Cream, Hair and Body Wash & Nappy Rash Ointment. If I had been paying attention, I would have got on to the Scrub and Butter sooner. The Hand Cream is amazing. Very lightly scented, herby and citrus at the same time. It nourishes my sore, dry hands.
**Did you know I’m also an esthetician? If I can give you a piece of advice; moisturized, nourished skin is your first and quickest route to looking younger.
Back to the scrub. I took a pot home and oh la la! Even the description on the label is amazing…with Sumac Berries, Brown Sugar and Vanilla. I stepped in the shower and used a bit on my dry skin. Scrub, scrub, scrub all those dry bits…knees, elbows and feet. I rubbed a bit into my legs and arms and shoulders.
A rinse off and a towel dry left my skin glowing and feeling great. I followed up with the Body Butter and I can tell you, not a scratch or an itch in days.
Body Scrub retails for $24 and the Butter is $19.95.
I hear we are the only stockist in Ottawa at the moment – let us know if you need anything and if we don’t have it, we’ll get it!
Find out more about Matter Company by visiting here: mattercompany.com
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