Do you know the poem When I Was Six by A.A. Milne?
When I was one I had just begun
When I was two I was nearly new
When I was three I was hardly me
When I was four I was not much more
When I was five I was just alive
But now I am six, I’m as clever as clever;
So I think I’ll be six now for ever and ever.
I am not saying I want to be six. That might imply that I don’t like the age I am now. Which is forty, if you care to know. But since I have a six year in my house, I find that I am inspired by her imagination.
In our house we celebrate all the holidays. The big ones like Christmas and Halloween are obvious. But we also pull out the stops to celebrate Valentines Day (heart shaped anything), Cinco de Mayo (tacos and umbrella drinks) and Summer Solstice (party at the beach till the sun goes down).
I don’t sell cards for every single occasion. But we do have confetti, paper table cloths, candles and, if you use your imagination, a few other things that might take an otherwise ordinary day and turn it into a bit of fun.
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