You know what I love? Rubber Stamps. Throwing it back 15 years (!) my husband and I made our own wedding invitations. I bought a couple of kits and inks, cardstock and ribbons and we went at it. When I was a kid, my Mom found a stamp with my name. I was thrilled. Molly wasn’t such a popular name when I was eight and to have a stamp with my very own name was the neatest thing, ever!
We’ve stocked Yellow Owl Workshop for years. I turned forty a few years back and made my own party invitations. Sidebar: I had loot bags, too. I like to throw a party 😉
Most of the time you are looking for fill-in invitations (which we do carry!) but what if you could drop your kids with me for a little DIY action??? We have rubber stamps, stickers and patterned tapes. Choose a theme and we’ll go for it.
When you get them home, all you need to do is fill in the details.
What do you think? Would you be up for it? The cost would be $15.
Drop a comment below!
P.S. While I have you here, have you checked out our Calendar of Events? That’s where you will find out what’s happening in the store. Like our Easter Workshop!
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