Canadian Made Giveaway!

Do you want to know why we prefer stocking local and Canadian? You’d be absolutely correct in assuming it is because we like to add to our own economy. You’d also be right if you thought it was because of the dollar and because of additional cross-boarder shipping charges and backorders that are stuck overseas.

But the number one reason we like Canadian goods is because there is an enormous amount of talent and beauty being produced right here at home. I buy a lot of cards and I think that makes me an expert of sorts – I think greeting cards made by Canadians have a unique style and flair. I think the humour is unique and I think our big, beautiful country inspires in countless and varied ways.

This week we received some beautiful new cards by Quebec artists. I hope you love them as much as I do! We’ll share some of our finds today through Friday. Be sure to check back!

Amélie Legault creates some of the most whimsical paintings.

I imagine Homard à Vélo en route to the local pool.

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Goéland à Vélo heading back from the chip truck parked at the seaside.

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These Pink Flamingos, lovebirds,  heading out for an afternoon bike ride.

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Customers are picking them up for Father’s Day, for tweens with a wry sense of humour and for freshly minted newlyweds. I think they would be so pretty tied together in one picture frame, hung in the kitchen. I have the perfect spot.

Would you like to win a collection of these cards? Leave a message below or tweet our website. If social media isn’t your thing, drop me a quick line at

You don’t have to be in Ottawa to win! We can pop them in the mail.

Contest closes at 12pm sharp on Friday, June 19. We will draw a name and announce the winner by 6pm.

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